Home:ALL Converter>Downgrade Android target Api Level 23 to 22 in developer console

Downgrade Android target Api Level 23 to 22 in developer console

Ask Time:2016-01-29T05:09:08         Author:SmilingM

Json Formatter

I uploaded a new beta testing version with Android target api level 23. Before it was 22. I did not know, that with API Level 23 there are many changes regarding permissions. I realized that after uploading the new beta testing version with api level 23. So i build a new Version which was using api level 22 again to have more time to adapt my app to api level 23.

But every time now when i do upload a version with api level 22, i get an error in developer console "app could not be saved" with no more information about the error and i can not upload it. When I compile a new version with target API Level 23 it can be uploaded again. I think the problem is the downgrade to api Level 22.

Is it true, that once you published an API Level 23 version in closed beta testing, you can not downgrade back to target API Level 22?

Thanks for your help!


Author:SmilingM,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35072085/downgrade-android-target-api-level-23-to-22-in-developer-console
GeimF :

message from Developer Console:\n\nAndroid N final SDK available\n\nYou can now use the Developer Console to publish apps that target Android N devices (API level 24) to your production, alpha, and beta channels. Keep in mind that once you publish an APK targeting API level 23 or higher, you won't be able to submit an update targeting API level 22 or lower on any channel. 2016 Jun 15",