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Jetty client and PATCH method

Ask Time:2016-06-29T17:53:16         Author:sabrina2020

Json Formatter

Is it possible to execute PATCH method with jetty client? I am using Jetty 9.3.3 and the PATCH method is not defined in the enum HttpMethod.

I also checked the api of Jetty 9.3.10 and I did not find the PATCH method in the enum HttpMethod.

if it is not supported, how can I extend the Jetty code to be able to use it? I only needed it in the client side (Jetty client need to be able to send Patch request).

Thanks and best regards.

Author:sabrina2020,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38096140/jetty-client-and-patch-method