Home:ALL Converter>iOS CoreBluetooth: Connect with peripheral by own service

iOS CoreBluetooth: Connect with peripheral by own service

Ask Time:2016-07-22T18:25:20         Author:nicq

Json Formatter

I have to create mobile app (iOS) which should connect with peripheral and control the streaming data. I connect and discover peripheral services and characteristics. But problem is that the peripheral enables streaming only if it gets setNotify from central's characteristic with specified UUID (and its service also needs to have specified UUID).

Is it possible to set in mobile app a central with service and characteristic, where both (service and characteristics) have specified UUID? Is it possible to do with CoreBluetooth or I should use something else?

Tag starts streaming data within its service's (UUID: AAA1-...) characteristic (UUID: AAA2-...) ONLY IF its Notify property will be set by central's charecteristic with specified UUID (UUID: XXX1-...)

Author:nicq,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38524088/ios-corebluetooth-connect-with-peripheral-by-own-service