Home:ALL Converter>Clear screen with transparency in libgdx to draw a particle trail

Clear screen with transparency in libgdx to draw a particle trail

Ask Time:2014-04-22T21:17:53         Author:rgom

Json Formatter

I'm working on an android app using libgdx, and I'm trying to draw some type of wind particles that leave a trail behind, something similar to this: http://hint.fm/wind/.

I've managed to draw the particles, which are lines that connect the previous position to the newest. However, if I clean the screen every time, it will only draw the current positions, which will be similar to little dots moving, as expected.

What I want to do is to draw a trail behind those particles, that fades away. To do this, I tried creating a list of the previous particle positions and drawing them with a decreasing alpha, but there are to many particles to draw and it proved to be very slow. So I searched, and there is another way to achieve this, which is clearing a screen with some some transparency while I draw the new particles. My solution right now is using this: Unexpected results implementing simple motion blur in Libgdx, and while my desktop rendering works as expected, in the android there is this purple background formed by the white particles that I don't understand. How can I solve this?

This are the screenshots of the android and desktop respectively: https://i.stack.imgur.com/lxY46.jpg


Pixmap screenClearPixmap = new Pixmap(480, 548, Format.RGBA8888);
screenClearPixmap.setColor(Color.rgba8888(0f, 0f, 0f, 0.1f));
screenClearTexture = new Texture(screenClearPixmap);
screenClearSprite = new Sprite(screenClearTexture);
screenClearSprite.setSize(480, 548);

public void render() {


public void animate() {

public void drawParticles() {

shapeRenderer.line((float) particle.getOldX(), (float) particle.getOldY(), (float) particle.getX(), (float) particle.getY());

Author:rgom,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23220810/clear-screen-with-transparency-in-libgdx-to-draw-a-particle-trail