Home:ALL Converter>How can I interact with DOM elements under an HTML element that has a background?

How can I interact with DOM elements under an HTML element that has a background?

Ask Time:2012-09-29T00:57:05         Author:Stephen Watkins

Json Formatter

I need this fiddle solved.

I am unable to interact with DOM elements underneath another HTML element that has a background. This is HTML/CSS 101. However, with backgrounds in combination with rgba and opacity CSS properties, this won't always be the desired effect. Like in my case, I need the background of an element to always be on top of all other elements.

To be honest, I don't know where to begin solving this situation. I'm hoping there is a CSS solution that will allow event propagation through elements with backgrounds. I'm doubting that exists.

My other thought is to use a JavaScript solution to somehow force capturing of events to the elements below to act as though the element on top doesn't even exist.

How can I interact with DOM elements under an HTML element that has a background?

Note that I would need this to work in all modern browsers.

Author:Stephen Watkins,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12644271/how-can-i-interact-with-dom-elements-under-an-html-element-that-has-a-background