Home:ALL Converter>Move messages from pubsub dead-letter topic to original topic

Move messages from pubsub dead-letter topic to original topic

Ask Time:2022-12-22T00:19:01         Author:Michał Bogusz

Json Formatter

I have set up pubsub subscription with dead lettering. So after five unsuccessful attempts my messages are being transfered to dead-letter topic. This works fine and I can peek this messages in dead-letter subscription.

What I want to do is after some time, transfer this messages back to the original topic and I want to do it manually. What is the easiest and fastes way to acheive this?

Author:Michał Bogusz,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74878898/move-messages-from-pubsub-dead-letter-topic-to-original-topic