Home:ALL Converter>Angular project migration 5 to 6 - Cannot find module '@angular/compiler-cli/src/tooling

Angular project migration 5 to 6 - Cannot find module '@angular/compiler-cli/src/tooling

Ask Time:2022-06-23T16:51:07         Author:Walidovic

Json Formatter

I'm migrating my angular project from version 5 to 6 following the steps mentioned here angular migration steps.

I did all steps but when i run the command ng serve, i got the error Cannot find module '@angular/compiler-cli/src/tooling

Here the result of the command ng -v enter image description here

I've tried all suggested solutions mentioned in stackoverflow to avoid duplications, but none of them worked for me.


Author:Walidovic,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72727269/angular-project-migration-5-to-6-cannot-find-module-angular-compiler-cli-src