Home:ALL Converter>overlapping variable doesn't change variable

overlapping variable doesn't change variable

Ask Time:2016-10-25T22:08:08         Author:FlagShipKILLER

Json Formatter

I can't even explain. Here is my code

foods = {12345670 : 'orange(s)',
     87654325 : 'pineapple(s)'}
loop = 10
while loop == 10:
    full_list = input("Type: ")
    if full_list == 'end':
    amount = int(input("Amount: "))
    subtotal = 0
    item = int(full_list)
    if item in foods:
        print("That would be {} {}".format(amount, foods[item]))
        if full_list == '12345670':
            price = (0.50 * amount)
            print("Added Orange(s)")
            print("Added "+str(price))
            subtotal = subtotal + price
        if full_list == '87654325':
            price = (1.00 * amount)
            subtotal = subtotal + price
            print("Added Pineapple(s)")
            print("Added "+str(price))
print("Your subtotal is " +str(subtotal))

I'm trying to get my subtotal to change accordingly to what the user purchases, I haven't finished making my list of purchasable items and so I don't want to change the name of the variable every time. What is the problem here? Why doesn't the variable subtotal change?

Author:FlagShipKILLER,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40242243/overlapping-variable-doesnt-change-variable
MooingRawr :

foods = {12345670 : 'orange(s)',\n 87654325 : 'pineapple(s)'}\nloop = 10\nsubtotal = 0 # <------ moved it outside of the while loop\nwhile loop == 10:\n full_list = input(\"Type: \")\n if full_list == 'end':\n break\n amount = int(input(\"Amount: \"))\n item = int(full_list)\n if item in foods:\n print(\"That would be {} {}\".format(amount, foods[item]))\n if full_list == '12345670':\n price = (0.50 * amount)\n print(\"Added Orange(s)\")\n print(\"Added \"+str(price))\n subtotal = subtotal + price\n if full_list == '87654325': #should be an elif not an if\n price = (1.00 * amount)\n subtotal = subtotal + price\n print(\"Added Pineapple(s)\")\n print(\"Added \"+str(price))\nprint(\"Your subtotal is \" +str(subtotal))\n\n\nEvery time you looped you restarted the total cost to 0 and it only kept the latest price. Move it outside of the while loop where I commented and you should be fine. Also use elif if you want to chain similar if statements together. ",