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SQL AVG with Conditions

Ask Time:2016-12-16T17:30:02         Author:Ice

Json Formatter

I try to fix an SQL i did Earlier and have a problem while doing that. I have an Huge SQL witch Calculate SUM Fields for a Report.

ATM The SQL Counts Every Vehicle, even when its a Electro Car.

          AND AVG((moving.TOTALTIME)) >0
          ELSE 0
        END ConsumptionPerHour,

I need the Condition Where vehicle.energysource = 0 in my sql, I try to build it in but allways get the err. "not a GROUP BY expression"

          AND AVG((moving.TOTALTIME)) >0
          AND vehicle.ENERGYSOURCE= 0 
          ELSE 0
        END ConsumptionPerHour,

I know what the Error Mean but i have no Idear how to fix this. Anyone have a Idear how i can solve this Problem?

(Btw its Oracle sql developer if that is helpfull)


My Exact problem is that i cant put it in the Where part becouse my SQL have to Calculate some things with Electro Cars too like The driven Killometers Ect.

I have the Fuel Problem becouse i want to calculate the avg. Lets say Car 1 is a Electro Car and Car to a Diesel Car.

The 1 one have a Consumption of 0(becouse Electric car) and the 2. one of 20.

My SQL now Calculate Sum of Consumption (Car 1+Car2 = 20) / amount of Cars: Thats make a Avg Consumption of 10.

But i only need the Avg Consumption of all cars who are not electric cars.

Maybe a noob Question but im a Trainee and alone in the Office, so sorry if thats an Easy or bad explained question.

Author:Ice,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41181129/sql-avg-with-conditions