Home:ALL Converter>Spotfire calculated column equivalent in DAX Power BI

Spotfire calculated column equivalent in DAX Power BI

Ask Time:2022-06-30T14:39:20         Author:Sam

Json Formatter

Can any one help me here. I am trying to convert a calculated column in spotfire to power bi. But unable to find a dax equivalent for this.

  1. Spotfire expression -

If((case when (UniqueConcatenate(Concatenate("'",[productgroup],"'"))over [customer]) ~= '${Product2}'
then [customer] end)


(case when (UniqueConcatenate(Concatenate("'",[productgroup],"'")) over [customer]) ~= '${Product1}' then '' else [customer] end),[cutomer],NULL)

couldn't find a unique concatenate equivalent in power bi. Tried with concatenate(distinct) , but it returns an error.

Thanks in advance

Author:Sam,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/72811273/spotfire-calculated-column-equivalent-in-dax-power-bi