Home:ALL Converter>liquibase creates duplicate sequence IDs in postgresql database

liquibase creates duplicate sequence IDs in postgresql database

Ask Time:2017-01-25T02:48:11         Author:Scott Ferrell

Json Formatter

i am an amateur with postgresql and a newbie with liquibase.
i am using puppet and liquibase to create postgresql database on rhel server. i drop the database (puppet resource postgresql_database ensure=absent) then run puppet to re-create the database.

i log into psql and run \dt \di \ds. no duplicate tables or indexes but duplicate sequences e.g. activity_log_activities_id_seq activity_log_activities_id_seq1

the baseline.xml lists the sequence 1 time e.g.

<createSequence sequenceName="activity_log_activities_id_seq"/>
<createSequence sequenceName="activity_log_activity_products_id_seq"/> 

i've google'd liquibase duplicate sequences id1 etc. but no good hits.
please advise.

Author:Scott Ferrell,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41836679/liquibase-creates-duplicate-sequence-ids-in-postgresql-database