Home:ALL Converter>csv to json with python, json in rows

csv to json with python, json in rows

Ask Time:2017-03-25T04:39:23         Author:JasonBK

Json Formatter

I would like to covert a CSV to a set of JSON objects with Python, formatted in rows.

I tried this script below, put together from a couple SO answers, but this formats this way:

} // etc

I would like to format this as:

{ key, 'value'},
{ key, 'value'}, // etc

I tried a few ways suggested here to insert a newline, but none worked so far.

script below:

import sys, getopt
import csv
import json

CSV_PATH = 'path/file.csv'
JSON_PATH = 'path/demo.json'

csv_file = csv.DictReader(open(CSV_PATH, 'r'))

json_list = []
for row in csv_file:
   json_list.append(row )

file(JSON_PATH, 'w').write(json.dumps(json_list, indent=4, separators=(' ,')  ))

my csv is straightforward:

SUM_F   SUM_I   SUM_P   SUM_PI  SUM_Bt  SUM_BI  SUM_M   SUM_MI  Year    Month
15       3963     14      993    0      91      1      2879     2009       1


EDIT: I received this suggestion in the comments of another post:

for x in json_list: print json.dumps(x)

this will print the format I am looking for, but I have not yet figured out how to write this to a json file.

Author:JasonBK,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43008753/csv-to-json-with-python-json-in-rows
Alex Hall :

import csv\nimport json\n\nCSV_PATH = 'file.csv'\nJSON_PATH = 'demo.json'\n\nwith open(CSV_PATH, 'r') as csv_file:\n reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)\n with open(JSON_PATH, 'w') as json_file:\n for row in reader:\n json_file.write(json.dumps(row) + '\\n')\n\n\nstr(row) gives the wrong kind of quotes, don't use it. You won't be able to read the file with json.",