Home:ALL Converter>How to Add Metadata to assets in Azure Media Services?

How to Add Metadata to assets in Azure Media Services?

Ask Time:2015-06-29T02:46:09         Author:Alexus

Json Formatter

I am using Azure Media Services and uploading, encoding and streaming videos. Question is, is there a way to attach video titles, descriptions and tags somewhere in Azure Media Services API?

Additional details: When I process an asset, a new container in Azure Blob Storage is created, and when I click on the blob itself, it has "User Defined Fields" - aka metadata, I could use those, but I am not sure if they are exposed to Azure Media API at all and how to access them.

I searched all over MS documentation and found nothing :/

Author:Alexus,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31103461/how-to-add-metadata-to-assets-in-azure-media-services
George Trifonov :

Currently Azure Media Services API exposing limiting set of metadata about encoded media asset. You can look in https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-media-services-extensions example of fetching metadata and how it is implemented:\n\n// The asset encoded with the Windows Media Services Encoder. Get a reference to it from the context.\nIAsset asset = null;\n\n// Get an enumerator with the metadata for all the asset files.\nIEnumerable<AssetFileMetadata> manifestAssetFile = asset.GetMetadata();\n\n\nIf you have requirements to have custom metadata associated with media assets and be able to search, you have to store it in external service like Azure Document DB or Azure Search. Azure Media Services exposes property IAsset.AlternateId where you can store id/key of metadata from external storage for linking purpose.",
Alexus :

Thank you for your answer @George, I have spent a week trying and searching and tried what you suggested, but in the end, I came to a conclusion that Azure Media API is not a storage, indexer or anything bud a media processing service, and should be used as such. [Duh...]\n\nSo what I deed is introduce SQL database to my abstraction layer that kept all my data for my assets, indexing, etc. That has also helped me to speed up my system, because I no longer make calls to AMS to list my assets - I keep track of them in my database with titles, descriptions, tags, child-parent hierarchy, etc.",