Home:ALL Converter>react-router-redux - syncHistoryWithStore seems to be missing

react-router-redux - syncHistoryWithStore seems to be missing

Ask Time:2017-04-13T04:12:07         Author:Sinan Theuvsen

Json Formatter

I downloaded a react router and redux tutorial (from https://learnredux.com/ if you know this) and played with it. I want to copy my code into the standard app from facebook (https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/installation.html). Although I installed all of the dependencies I don't get it to work.

Trying a lot of console.log()I could figure out that syncHistoryWithStore gives me an undefined.

I am quite new to npm and stuff like this, coming from plain html. Is there a smart way to track my problem, check my missing dependencies or whatever it takes to solve a problem like this?

Thanks for any help.

Author:Sinan Theuvsen,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43378798/react-router-redux-synchistorywithstore-seems-to-be-missing