Home:ALL Converter>What is the correct appxmanifest certificate for a UWP application for Windows 10?

What is the correct appxmanifest certificate for a UWP application for Windows 10?

Ask Time:2017-08-30T01:16:12         Author:Jarryd

Json Formatter

In the package.appxmanifest for a UWP Windows 10 application, under Packaging, a testing certificate must be provided to build packages for store publication.


When associating an application with the store, a second certificate appears.


Is the StoreKey.pfx meant to replace the TemporaryKey.pfx?

I can do this by choosing it in the package.appxmanifest file.

Does the store processes the testing certificate, and put in a real one during certification? Is this is why we don't need to buy a verisigned certificate from someone such as Symantec when submitting UWP applications?

I am confused by the existence of two certificates.

This is for an application to be downloaded by consumers on the Windows 10 store. This is NOT a sideloaded application.

Author:Jarryd,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45944809/what-is-the-correct-appxmanifest-certificate-for-a-uwp-application-for-windows-1