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What functions are included in Big-O Notation?

Ask Time:2017-09-10T00:02:39         Author:user8584662

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I am learning about Big-O Notation and working on an assignment I am stuck on. Basically, I have been given different functions, and have to write the Big(O) for them. I think my confusion lies on what functions can be included in Big-O. I understand the hiearchy as follows: O(1) O(logn) O(n) O(nlogn) O(n^2) O(2^n) O(n!)

I also understand why constants and smaller terms are left out, since we are just looking for a bound. My question is what happens when a function is not written in these terms. For example (this is not my exact question but similar), 3^n is not a constant multiple of 2^n. Is the Big-O then O(3^n) or still O(2^n)? My thinking is O(3^n) as 3^n grows faster than 2^n and Big O is an upper bound. But I haven't seen Big O expressed with a base that isn't 2 or n as listed above. Is this correct thinking?

Author:user8584662,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46132500/what-functions-are-included-in-big-o-notation
gsamaras :

\n What functions are included in Big-O Notation?\n\n\nAll of them*.\n\n\n\nHowever, some function are more commonly used, like O(logn) that you mentioned for example. The reason is the nature of the problems we attempt to solve with most of the algorithms (like sorting for example), which make convenient for us to use some functions as upper bounds more frequently than others.\n\n\n\nPS: More specifically, it's a list of classes, where n reaches asymptotically Infinity. For more read Order of functions.",
Gordon Linoff :

For your specific question, O(3^n) is different from O(2^n). One way to see this is to look at the ratio of the values as n --> infinity. In this case, the ratio is:\n\n(1.5)^n\n\n\nAnd this grows without bound.\n\nSimilarly, n^3 is different from n^2 because the ratio is:\n\nn\n\n\nAnd this grows without bound as n --> infinity.\n\nOn the other hand, 3*n and 2*n are the same. Their ratio is:\n\n1.5\n\n\nThis does not grow as n --> infinity.\n\nIt is very important to understand that not all functions are used for big-O. Basically, the \"argument\" in big-O represents a class of functions with the same asymptotic behavior as n --> infinity. The simplest member of the class is usually chosen for the notation.\n\nRemember the big-O is the upper bound on complexity. When you are actually analyzing an algorithm, you might use more complex functions and include constants. In fact, these can be very important and explain why an algorithm such as bubble sort may be optimal for small data sets, even though it is not optimal for large data sets.",