Home:ALL Converter>Scaling Azure Postgres: Specified Availability Zone not supported in this region

Scaling Azure Postgres: Specified Availability Zone not supported in this region

Ask Time:2022-07-20T23:06:14         Author:msts1906

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I try to scale (provide more Cores) to my Azure Postgres DB (Flexible Server). No matter which size I choose, I always get the same error: "Specified Availability Zone not supported in this region."

The DB is deployed to Sweden Central. According to this, Sweden Central supports availability zones. The VM Sizes I tried are also available in that region.

Does anyone has any ideas how to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance.

Author:msts1906,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73054061/scaling-azure-postgres-specified-availability-zone-not-supported-in-this-region