Home:ALL Converter>Cant submit my button with form

Cant submit my button with form

Ask Time:2017-12-29T02:49:56         Author:Tyler Conoff

Json Formatter

I am trying to submit my button with a form. Im not trying to make my button submit the form. I want to be able to see my button value in the POST variable after the form submits. From my understanding all I need is to give my element a name and value. I should be able to see all the form variables once my form is submitted.

<input name='MC[]' type='text' size='51' placeholder='Enter In Question'>
<input name='MC[]' type='button' value='Incorrect'>
<input name='MC[]' id='Options' size='40' placeholder='Enter In Option A'>

I'm new to this site not sure if I'm providing enough information but I simply want to submit this button inside a form and to be able to add the value of my button to a file. For some reason I cant see the button once the form is submitted. Are type button not sent to POST when submitted?

Note, I am able to see my other input elements. The type button one is the only one I cant see.

Author:Tyler Conoff,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48012810/cant-submit-my-button-with-form
Barmar :

You can use Javascript that fills in the value of a hidden input from the value of the button that was clicked.\n\nHTML:\n\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"answer\" id=\"answer\">\n\n\nJS:\n\ndocument.querySelectorAll(\"input[name='MC[]']\").forEach(function(el) {\n el.addEventListener(\"click\", function() {\n document.getElementById(\"answer\").value = el.value;\n }\n}\n\n\nThen you'll be able to get the button's value in $_POST['answer'].",