Home:ALL Converter>How to Insert/Add Backslash Character in a String variable

How to Insert/Add Backslash Character in a String variable

Ask Time:2017-12-28T13:30:10         Author:Mumtaz Khan

Json Formatter

I have to get the path of a directory from Java Text field and store it on another string variable but it needs the code of java to add/insert \ after the colon : character.

String folderFath="D:\TF";

I need to add \ after the : character. I need to get string variable D:\\TF

Author:Mumtaz Khan,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48002054/how-to-insert-add-backslash-character-in-a-string-variable
yuzuriha :

have you tried this way \"D:\\\\TF\"?",