Home:ALL Converter>getting csv file from the url

getting csv file from the url

Ask Time:2017-11-23T17:51:03         Author:Shanker

Json Formatter

I am trying to download a csv file which is on web portal, when doing it manually we login to the url and click on Download CSV button then it prompts for saving. we are using python3

I am trying to do this via python scripting, when we execute this script we get the the html page with the name Download CSV, when we click on that we get a csv file through that.

import urllib.request
import requests

session = requests.session()
playload = {'j_username':'avinash.reddy', 'j_password':'password'}
r = session.post('https://url_of_the_portal/auth/login','data=playload')
r = session.get('URL_of_the_page_where_the_csv_file_exiests')
print ('done')
urllib.request.urlretrieve (url, "Download CSV")

Author:Shanker,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47452383/getting-csv-file-from-the-url